Conference on Promoting brand values of Dalat Flower Festival City and Dalat people’s “Peaceful – Elegant – Hospitable” style

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On the morning of December 23, 2022, the Dalat City People’s Committee cooperated with Dalat University and Branch of Art Seven Compamy Limited to co-organize a conference combining art exhibitions with the theme of promoting brand values of Dalat Flower Festival City and Dalat people’s “Peaceful – Elegant – Hospitable” style. This is an activity to respond to and celebrate the 9th Dalat Flower Festival in 2022.

The conference was attended by:

  • On the side of Lam Dong province goverment: Mr. Vo Ngoc Hiep – Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Vice Chairman of Lam Dong Provincial People’s Committee; Ms. Nguyen Thi My – Deputy Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Department, together with leaders of departments of Lam Dong province, delegates from centers, associations, agencies, and units in the province.
  • On the side of Dalat city goverment: Mr. Ton Thien San – Provincial Party Committee Member, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People’s Committee; Mr. Dang Quang Tu, Standing Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People’s Council together with comrades who are leaders of the City Party Committee, leaders of the departments of the City Party Committee and the Office of the City Party Committee, the People’s Council, the People’s Committee, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Dalat; leaders of socio-political organizations, unions, departments, and centers of the City; leaders of the People’s Committees of wards, communes, agencies, and units in the city.
  • On the side of Dalat University: Dr. Le Minh Chien – Secretary of the Party Committee, President of Dalat University and comrades in the Executive Committee of the Party Committee, the Board of Trustees, the Executive Board, leaders of functional departments and faculties, centers, research institute; lecturers and scientists of the University.
  • Delegates from agencies and units of Lam Dong province and Dalat city; Experts and scientists from universities, colleges, centers and research institutes located in the province.
  • Dalat Art Book authors and scientists whose articles participated in the Conference Proceedings; The dignitaries, intellectuals originated from Dalat, Lam Dong; Dalat lovers.
Mr. Ton Thien San delivered the opening speech of the conference

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Mr. Ton Thien San thanked the Executive Board of Dalat University, Art Seven Compamy Limited; departments, associations, businesses, and especially a large number of scientists and researchers have supported and participated in writing articles for the Conference. Chairman of the Dalat City People’s Committee hoped that, with interdisciplinary scientific approaches, documents, and scientific arguments, this conference will shed more light on the role and value of the brand name of Dalat Flower Festival City and the Dalat people’s “Peaceful – Elegant – Hospitable” style; thereby proposing practical orientations and solutions to promote these values, making an important contribution to the goal of developing high-quality tourism of Dalat city.

The Conference Organizing Committee received a total of 44 academic papers and discourses, including 30 articles by scientists from Dalat University and 14 articles by authors outside the University. After a rigorous and elaborate review process, the Conference Organizing Committee has selected 30 papers and 3 discourses to include in the Proceedings of the Conference, which will be published by the Financial Publishing House.

Dr. Le Minh Chien gave a presentation

At the conference on the morning of December 23, after the inaugurative report of Dr. Le Minh Chien – Secretary of the Party Committee, President of Dalat University – the participants listened to the reports of 4 articles divided into 2 sessions. The first session consisted of two reports: (1) From a customer-based brand value model to a solution to enhance the city’s brand value as Dalat Flower Festival City; (2) Propose the application model of virtual reality and augmented reality technology to promote the brand name of Dalat Flower Festival City. The second session consisted of two reports: (1) The participation of the people in preserving the style of Da Lat people and (2) Lessons learned on the coordination between stakeholders from applying the sales model in the “Peaceful – Elegant – Hospitable” style at Dalat Market.

A report at the Conference

From the reports at each session, under the chairmanship of Mr. Ton Thien San and Dr. Le Minh Chien, the delegates had lively and effective exchanges and discussions on two main topics: “Promoting the brand value of Dalat Flower Festival City” and “Preserving and promoting the Dalat people’s “Peaceful – Elegant – Hospitable” style”, suggesting many perspectives and solutions, providing more solid scientific arguments for the policy making process of the City government, and contributing to the strong development of Dalat city and Lam Dong province.

Department of Journalism and Communication