Signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between Dalat University and Lac Duong district

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Following the success of the Conference on Digital Transformation Cooperation in Agriculture between Dalat University and Lac Duong district on October 13, 2021, after a period of discussion, on the afternoon of October 26, 2021, Dalat University signed a Memorandum of Understanding on comprehensive cooperation in socio-economic development and a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in building Big Data with Lac Duong district.

The signing ceremony between Dalat University and Lac Duong district

Attending the ceremony, on the side of Lac Duong district, there were Mr. Pham Trieu – Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the District People’s Council; Mr. Ya Tiong – Permanent Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee; Mr. Su Thanh Hoai – Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the District People’s Committee, together with comrades in the Standing Committee of the District People’s Council, leaders of the District People’s Committee, heads of specialised agencies and non-business units of the District. On the side of Dalat University, there was the attendance of Dr. Le Minh Chien – Secretary of the Party Committee, President; Dr. Mai Minh Nhat – Member of Standing Committee of Party Committee, Vice President; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tat Thang – Vice President, together with experts, scientists, leaders of departments and faculties of the University.

Leaders of Lac Duong district give flowers to leaders of Dalat University

Expressing his joy at the ceremony, Mr. Su Thanh Hoai – Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the District People’s Committee congratulated the achievements that Dalat University has achieved in recent years. Mr. Deputy Secretary, Chairman of the District People’s Committee gave an overview of the geographical location, administrative units of the District, the potentials and advantages of its space, ecological landscape, people, and famous tourist attractions in the district’s tourism development. He hopes that through this signing ceremony, Lac Duong District and Dalat University will closely cooperate and support each other in the process of socio-economic development, digital transformation, development of big data in agriculture, towards the development of various forms of tourism, conservation and promotion of local biodiversity resources.

Dr. Le Minh Chien – Secretary of the Party Committee, President of Dalat University spoke at the ceremony

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Le Minh Chien thanked the leaders of Lac Duong district for welcoming the delegation of Dalat University and expressed his delight at the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the University and the District. Dr. Le Minh Chien briefly introduced the history of formation and development, outstanding achievements of Dalat University in recent times. He affirmed that Dalat University, with a vision to 2030, will develop into a university of Southeast Asia. Dalat University is a multi-disciplinary education institution, providing high-quality human resources; is a highly prestigious centre for research and technology transfer in the Central Highlands, South Central Coast and Southeast regions. At the same time, the President also emphasised the comprehensive cooperation between the two sides to promote education, further improve the quality of research, and maximise the potential of the University and the local.

Dalat University and Lac Duong District People’s Committee signed a Memorandum of Understanding on comprehensive cooperation in socio-economic development

In order to lay a solid foundation for long-term cooperation between Dalat University and Lac Duong district, the two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding on comprehensive cooperation between Dalat University and the People’s Committee of Lac Duong district, with contents such as: Building a comprehensive cooperation programme on socio-economic development, especially in areas where Lac Duong district has potential and advantages; Dalat University appoints experts and scientists of the University to carry out consulting, technical and technological transfer, research in the fields of socio-economic development; The university will also organise short-term courses to contribute to improving the qualifications and capacity of officials, civil servants and public employees of Lac Duong district. Dr. Le Minh Chien hopes that based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed at the ceremony, the detailed terms will soon be discussed and implemented by the two sides.

Leaders of the two sides believed and agreed to concretise the Memorandum of Understanding into specific tasks and programmes for implementation with annual review and evaluation as a basis for making specific plans in the following years. Leaders of the two sides agreed to assign functional units to cooperate in implementing the terms of the agreement.

Delegates listened to a quick introduction about “Digital transformation cooperation project in agriculture between Dalat University and Lac Duong district”

At the signing ceremony, the delegates heard a quick introduction about “Digital transformation cooperation project in agriculture between Dalat University and Lac Duong district” implemented by a strong research team of Dalat University, with two main contents: (1) Building a database of typical plants and animals of Lac Duong district; (2) Deploying an application to manage agricultural data. Along with the content presented at the Conference on Digital Transformation Cooperation in Agriculture between Dalat University and Lac Duong district (October 13), this project is the first step, creating a premise for the cooperation in in-depth research on digital transformation in agriculture between the two units.

Under the witness of leaders of the two units, the Faculty of Biology – Dalat University and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development – Lac Duong District signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in building agricultural big data in Lac Duong district. Within a period of 4 years (extendable depending on actual conditions and needs), the two sides will cooperate to implement the Digital Transformation Programme in agriculture, improving the efficiency of digital technology application in agricultural production in Lac Duong district. Specifically, the two sides will cooperate to build a large database on typical livestock and crops of Lac Duong district and build application software to manage and support agricultural production of Lac Duong district.

The Faculty of Biology – Dalat University and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development – Lac Duong District signed a Memorandum of Understanding to build agricultural big data in Lac Duong district.

Delegates attending the ceremony also witnessed the launch of “The Strong Big Data Research Group of Dalat University” and “The Working Group to coordinate in building Agricultural Big Data in Lac Duong District”. These are the two focal points directly cooperating to implement the signed contents related to the construction and application of big data in agriculture in Lac Duong district.

The Working Group to coordinate in building Agricultural Big Data in Lac Duong District

Department of Journalism and Communication
Translator: Nguyen Hoang Nam Phuong